Saturday, May 26, 2007

Progress Report

I have changed my plot around a lot...but I'm not going to broadcast it like last time. Yes, I am paranoid about plot-thieves. Actually, funny story:

I sent a script for a TV series (for an already-running show) to the respective agent. You know what happened? I believe I sparked an idea in their heads because the main character, a superhero of sorts, was joking about being Bat Boy or Robin or something...and my script's title was "The Un-Caped Crusaders". Okay, sort of a stretch, but I like to think that I got their creative juices flowing. Actually, the script probably went straight into the trash, as it probably deserved. I was 15 (not to put down teenagers; everyone's different: some are way more mature and talented than I was) and the script had amateur stamped all over it. Anyway, I digress. Where was I?

I've had at least one major brain-storming session after I bought that book about running a community theater. I've been involved with a CT, but have forgotten how many people it takes to put things together...and how much people play double roles behind the scenes. I was once stage manager/understudy/book-holder (a very poor SM, and I'm not being modest. I was young and had loads of help from the president--not of the US, silly. I should say that I was assistant stage manager.) Then there are actors who double as seamstresses/wardrobe people. One terrific gal who has gathered props, organized props, handled props (during rehearsals and runs) and called shows: Miss Donna H. She has to be about one of the most unsung heroes of the theater: the Properties/misc. person. Anyway, the aforementioned book and my own theater experience will hopefully give me some insight as I write my screenplay, which is all about perspective.

Now I'm tired of typing, didn't get to say everything I wanted to say, but OH WELL. Signing off.

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