Thursday, June 21, 2007

Next on the list....

I have finished Script Frenzy! 2007! Yeah! Now, back to the "real world". Here's a look at my writing summer:

What's left of June minus this Saturday to the first of the next: CELEBRATE, BABY! Take a break and enjoy the sweet taste of Victory...until this Saturday.

Saturday-?: Work on my piece for the Quote!Fic Challange at CoS Forums (

August: (Hopefully) [F]inish my first draft of my Pride and Prejudice playscript

September: Write a second draft of my screenplay

That may seem jam-packed, but it's really not. I won't be writing 24/7, and there isn't the pressure of deadlines...unless someone approaches me about P&P, wanting to direct it. THEN it's pressure-cooker time. I'd be writing my ifs, ands and buts off 'til the break of every dawn...maybe. I don't know if I'm that dedicated ;)

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